Thursday, 24 November 2011

Make your own: Housewarming gift

A beautiful friend of ours - Tammy, has recently purchased her first home and moves in today! CONGRATULATIONS TAM!

Our Tammy (or 'Old Mate' as we affectionately call one another) is quite the domestic Goddess. Not only can she cook and clean, but she's also known to sew the odd button on... Pop that in your pipe and smoke it all you 'Gen Y haters'!

With this in mind, I decided to make her something that was both useful and a little bit cute - A Sewing kit in a jar!

What you will need:

1. A mason jar
2. A foam ball (the same size as the lid of the jar and cut in half)
3. Material of your choice (I chose hessian and lace)
4. A staple gun
5. Good quality (and super strong) glue
6. The sewing kit : Needles, pins, thread, a tape measure, a thimble, scissors, spare buttons, an unpicker, ribbon and anything else you can fit in there!

How to:

1. Using a knife, cut the foam ball in half and ensure it fits on top of the jar lid.
2. Neatly cover the foam in the material of your choice and staple underneath.
3. Cut another strip of your material and glue around the side of the lid. I also popped a bit of lace around
4. Fill the jar with your sewing kit and decorate as you see fit!

"We hope your new house makes you SEW happy"

We love you Tam x

1 comment:

Lesley French said...

Maybe someone might like to make me one for xmas. I can always hope....