Last week, a friend of mine admitted to me that whilst watching the cricket live, she reached into her eski to grab a drink, missed one of those 'Howzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?!?' moments, popped her head up and waited patiently for the live replay. It took a few seconds before she realised, replays don't exist in real life.
Although she was horrified and ever so relieved when her cricket loving peers were none the wiser, she was positive she wasn’t the only person who’d experienced what we’ve now dubbed a ‘Technofail’.
This prompted me to think of times technology has jumped in the way of my life. I must admit though, at this stage of the thought process, I couldn't imagine I'd do anything quite as ridiculous as she had.
As per usual I've surprised myself.
In the days before facebook or texting, a teenage version of myself spent most weeknights switching between ten conversations in 'ICQ' (whilst on a three way phone call), laughing out loud and ensuring the less interesting of 'friends' that I'd BRB. In the hazey sleep deprived school days that followed, it wasn't uncommon for anyone to find me hiding from embarrassment in the bathrooms due to answering 'LOL' to something funny the latest guy I was in love with had said.
However, unfortunately I can't just blame this on teenage stupidity or lack of sleep. In more recent times, upon reading a particularly entertaining piece of writing, my right pointer finger has been known to linger over the article header longing for a 'like' button. I still can't help but be disappointed when the writer has no way of knowing I really liked their article. Who writes to the editor these days?
As embarrassing as this has been to admit, it’s my most recent phase that’s got me worried.
Now, I don’t often voice strong opinions on trivial matters, but I distinctly remember speaking up about people who 'check in' on facebook. Firstly, why on earth would you want your facebook 'friends' knowing where you are, I have enough issues with stalkers.... And secondly, how boring must your outing be for you to feel the urge to get on your phone and tell the world you're having a wonderful time.
But much to my horror, it wasn't long before I copped a big slap in the face when I was tagged in check in. With wide eyes and a thumping heart, I watched my phone light up and reveal to the social media universe, that I was at Little Creatures with 7 other people...
I couldn't tell you exactly what happened in the outings that followed, but much the same as an addiction to baked goods or online shopping, I am now a serial checker innerer.
So instead of adding my technology addiction to the list of things I worry about each day, I have decided to just roll with it. And why not!? Surely everyone knows how important it is to reveal to your 'friends' how cool you are and that your nights aren't actually filled with blogging and crafting... And let's face it, we must get on the good side of technology if one day computers will rule the world and hold us as their slaves for use only when their batteries run low.