I remember as a little girl, vowing to my best friend Caroline, that she would one day stand by me as I married the man of my dreams. At that time, said dreamy man was nothing but a mop, who lovingly gazed into my eyes as Caroline 'married' us on my back lawn.
After 21 years of friendship, many silly memories and Caroline's own stunning wedding, I've finally been able to fulfill my childhood promise and ask her, amongst 3 other beautiful friends to be my Bridesmaids!! Although, I probably could have made better choices in the looks department...
I get a tad emotional at the best of times, so I knew asking these gorgeous girls verbally would involve more tears than words. So after looking around for some cute ideas, I stumbled across the idea of a 'Bridesmaid Box'. A lovely gift which can be personalised to suit your style as well as incorporate the details of your wedding day.
Although the Bridesmaid Box was something for the girls to keep, I felt the need for something a little sentimental too. So I wrapped the boxes with brown string and tied a vintage spool to the top, which were custom made by Choosing You. The spools un-wound to read a special message to each of the girls, which they read before opening their boxes (and also meant I didn't have to say a thing!).
The spool was too long for the one photo, so this just
shows the beginning and end of the reel. Watch as they
unwrap these little tear jerkers and I'll give you a prize if you
manage not to cry. |
If you've got the time, this is something you could quite easily do yourself; stalk a few op shops to find wooden spools, measure and cut a line of pretty fabric and use fabric stamps to write your message. Wrap in recycled paper and voila!
Once the spools were read, put aside, re-read and popped aside again - the girls were into their boxes. I found these paper mache round boxes in Spotlight, which I lined with crocheted doilies (also from Spotties) and filled with clippings of bridesmaid dresses and colour ideas I had collected over the weeks.
I popped a few other bits a pieces inside; a little 'Bride Oath' I had made (to ensure they all knew I wouldn't turn into a crazy Bridezilla), a Baci chocolate as well as four handmade cards.
The cards came from an idea I found on Pinterest and are a wonderful way to personally explain your wedding details. Use any title you feel is relevant and write away.
I used the first card 'Our Day' to explain the date and location of our wedding; the second card 'Your Role' to explain to the girls that all I really needed them to do was pop the champagne; the third 'My Girls' named each of my bridesmaids and why they are such special girls and the final card 'Your Dresses' explained the very few ideas I had about their dresses.
Last of all, I popped an old photo in each of the boxes. Having known each of these girls for most of my life, I had some great shots! And it just so happened that I was able to find a photo of my gorgeous sister (and now my Maid of Honour!) Tenille and I playing dress ups in Mum's Bridesmaid dress when we were little. Perfect!
The finished product |
The champagne and tears flowed and four of my beautiful friends have now learnt how to pose.