Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Do not disturb

Last week, I found myself preparing for a weekend in the rare company of 'no one'.

The people I spend most of my time with had decided to take a leave of absence and were leaving me to fend for myself for the weekend. I could not have been happier.

It's not often one is faced with the opportunity to be completely and utterly selfish, slothful and indulgent with no judgement AND HENCE, one must embrace. And embrace I would.

I'd spend my Saturday aimlessly wandering through little boutiques and homewares stores, only to come home to recorded episodes of cheesy T.V series. Saturday night would be spent watching said episodes, a glass of red in hand and chocolate on my mind/thighs. Sunday, would begin with a lie in which would be followed by a morning run and a baking marathon.

My overwhelming feeling of excitement about spending the weekend in my own company got me thinking and as usual my thinking lead to a list:

Nicole's list of 6 things you might like to do if you can be bothered doing them.

Number 1 - Do nothing
This should be the first thing you do on your weekend alone. It sets the mood for the rest of the weekend. If you get it done first, it's out of the way.

Number 2 - Watch or read something mindless
There's nothing better than switching your mind off and entering into a world you'll never live in.

Number 3 - Cry about nothing
About not ever living in the Sex and the City world. It'll make you feel better.

Number 4 - Have a good stretch
This makes you feel like you've exercised. Once you're all nimble and excercisy, you won't feel so bad for all the nothing you've been doing.

Number 5 - Swing on some swings
Angela and I have spent many a picnic missing out on food while we get carried away on the swings. I don't think there's anything quite like it. Hence my birthday present this year - a homemade swing in the backyard. BEST!

Number 6 - Bake
I don't think this really needs an explanation. However, if you bake something at the beginning of your lone weekend, there will be no one around to judge when you've eaten all of your produce by the end.

By the end of your weekend alone, I can guarantee you will be relaxed, happy, fat and ready to interact with people again. You may even be excited to go to work on Monday.

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