Wednesday, 5 October 2011

LARK!! Who goes there?

I cannot contain my excitement or credit card when *browsing Lark. From baking goods, to books to home decor - here are just a few of the delights you can pick up online (it was very hard to choose just a few, so make sure you check them out for yourself!):

Giant Crotchet Doily Rug $420

Utterly Scrumptious Bunting $16.95

'Love Unlimited' Letterpress Signed Print $79

'Oh Happy Day' Letterpress Signed Print $79

'Boat of Life' Letterpress Signed $59

*Spending copious amounts, well beyond my means.

Visit Lark NOW they are amazing, they also have a cute little shop and beautifully decorated house (yes you can rent it out!) in Daylesford. I will put up a post about them at a later date - definitely worth waiting for.

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